LOWRD Magiczne miasteczko położone cholera wie gdzie. Zamieszkałe tylko przez wyjątkowe stworzenia. Sam sprawdź, co kryje!
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Dołączył: 03 Lut 2013
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Wysłany: Nie 19:51, 03 Lut 2013 Temat postu: Xain |
Karta postaci:
Imię: Choć na język cisną jej się różne, fałszywe imiona, tak często używane, mówi krótko - Xain.
Nazwisko: "Nie mam" - rzuca na początku. Jednak w końcu dodaje "Ra'Ubo". Jak mus to mus.
Wiek: Nieznany
Rasa: Uśmiechając się znacząco szepce powoli - Ostatnia Rastosanka
Cechy charakteru: Tajemnicza i nieufna osóbka. Lubi ciche miejsca, ale też często odwiedza karczmę. Nie można o niej powiedzieć, że jest nudziarzem czy snobem, choć wielu ją za taką bierze.
Opis wyglądu: Wysoka, szczupła i ładna. Półdługie, rudawe włosy zazwyczaj plątają się luźno na jej głowie. Fioletowe, duże, bystre oczy wypatrzą wszystko. Zawsze wydaje się dumna i często jest mylnie oceniana.
Krótka historia postaci: Osierocona w wieku dziesięciu lat. Musiała szybciej dorosnąć i udało jej się. Teraz włóczy się bez celu po okolicy.
Post został pochwalony 1 raz
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Xain dnia Śro 20:00, 13 Lut 2013, w całości zmieniany 7 razy
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Dołączył: 03 Lut 2013
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Wysłany: Śro 16:32, 06 Lut 2013 Temat postu: Uprawnienia |
Użytkownik o nazwie Xain jest administratorem, założycielem, i Mistrzem gry portalu, więc może wszystko, kiedy chce i jak chce.
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Xain dnia Śro 16:34, 06 Lut 2013, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 03 Lut 2013
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Zadupie pospolite.
Wysłany: Śro 16:34, 06 Lut 2013 Temat postu: Profil |
Pochodzenie imienia:
Słowo pochodzi z języka azerskiego i oznacza cechę charakteru "zdradziecki", "perfidny" itp. Zaś w języku prawie wymarłej rasy Rastos, słowa "xa ine" oznacza cichą wodę. Może i te słowa znaczą też co innego, ale Xain woli tego nie wiedzieć.
Sprawa wieku:
Dziewczyna nie wie, ile ma dokładnie lat, ponieważ po prostu przestała już liczyć. Przestano już nawet szacować jej wiek, ponieważ przestało to mieć najmniejsze znaczenie.
O Żywej legendzie
Dziewczyna może wydaje się na pierwszy rzut oka poważna, ale tak naprawdę jest zabawna, i gdyby nie była bohaterem, byłaby bardem. Uwielbia opowiadać historie, a jeszcze bardziej śpiewać, co wychodzi jej nie najgorzej.
Jest też osobą ciekawską, żeby nie powiedzieć wścibską. A jeśli trzeba to potrafi trzymać język za zębami.
Jest Rastosanką, ale nie chwali się tym. Woli nosić wielkie płaszcz i przedstawiać się po prostu jako Xain, czy nawet, jeśli okoliczności tego wymagają, jako Mel.
Rastos to rasa, którą aktualnie reprezentuje tylko Xain. Już nikt o niej nie pamięta, a kiedyś była najliczniejszą rasą. Rastosów uważano za poważnych, ale też czasami zabawnych osobników. Niektórzy z nich potrafili posługiwać się magią z otoczenia, (swojej nie mieli) co było, i nadal jest, bardzo trudne i wręcz nie do nauczenia. Rastosanki były uważane za najniebezpieczniejsze kobiety na świecie, a mężczyźni dorównywali nawet najlepszym. Rasa ta była też specjalistą w zawodzie szpiega czy zwiadowcy, dlatego Melaike jest taka dobra we... wszystkim.
Wojna dwudniowa
- Xain! - zawołał młody chłopak wbiegając do karczmy.
- Głośniej, bo cię jeszcze w innym wymiarze nie słychać - zbeształa go kobieta, która do niego podeszła. - Co jest?
- Zaczęło się - wysapał chłopczyk i usiadł.
- Cholera jasna, już?!
Kobieta nie oczekiwała odpowiedzi. Zabrała z oparcia krzesła łuk i wybiegła z pomieszczenia. Szybko jednak zawróciła i spytała chłopaka.
- Gdzie?!
- Na Wschodnich Polach.
- Ale to cholernie daleko!
- Do rana dobiegniesz.
Po tym wybiegła już na dobre, i nie zamierzała zawracać.
Od kilku dni zapowiadała się wojna. Jednak wszyscy myśleli, że to plotki. Xain nie mogła przepuścić okazji. Nie tylko chciała obronić państwo, ale też się zabawić.
* * *
Faktycznie na miejsce dodarła dopiero następnego dnia. Zastała tam Wschodnie Pola prawie w nienaruszonym stanie. Zaś z każdej jego strony nadciągała niewielka armia.
- I to ma być wojna? - szepnęła do siebie. - Tak to się dzieci bawią.
Szybko znalazła armię Lowrd'u i do niej dołączyła. Mimo dezaprobaty wojowników.
Walczyli do południa. Xain wiele razy proponowano medyków, gdyż najbardziej krwawiła. Ona jednak odmawiała wiedząc, że "wojna" nie potrwa długo.
I miała rację. Po godzinie piętnastej udało jej się dosięgnąć strzałą wodza obcej armii, która wówczas, nie wiedząc co ma ze sobą zrobić, rozbiegła się na wszystkie strony.
Xain, zadowolona z wyczynu, zniknęła wszystkim z oczu i już nie brała udziału w zbieraniu jeńców czy odbieraniu nagród od władcy. Wróciła do karczmy.
Tam często spotykała bardów, którzy opiewając "dwudniową wojnę" wspominali o nieznanej bohaterce, która jedną strzałą przebiła serce wrogiego króla.
Ile w tym było prawdy? Niewiele. Ale dziewczyna lubiła tego słuchać, sama znając całą prawdę.
Historia przydomka Melaike
Było już ciemno. Xain szła wolnym krokiem przez miasto. Wolała schować się gdzieś, ponieważ miała na sobie obszerną, białą opończę. Kolor nie był najlepszy, ale jej ulubiona, czarna, została doszczętnie zniszczona. A dzisiaj miała iść na przeszpiegi do... pewnej osoby.
Nie zdradzę wam jej tożsamości, bo to nie jest częścią tej opowieści.
Nagle zauważyła małego chłopczyka, który siedział na progu jakiegoś domostwa i patrzył wielkimi oczami na Xain. Chłopczyk był mały i wychodzony. Mogła go tam zostawić, ale zrobiło się jej go szkoda, bo wie jak to jest był bez domu i jedzenia. Wyciągnęła więc z wielkiej "kieszeni", która była doszyta do pasa, kawałek chleba i podała go dzieciakowi.
- Pani jest aniołem? - zapytał mały, przerażonym głosem.
Może przez ten płaszcz wyglądała nieco inaczej, ale aniołem na pewno nie można było jej nazwać - setki blizn, rozczochrane włosy i brudna twarz.
- Nie, mały - odparła, uśmiechając się do dziecka. - Ale nazywaj mnie jak sobie chcesz.
- Dobrze, Melaike*. Mam nadzieję, że cię jeszcze kiedyś spotkam - rzekł i odbiegł, ściskając w dłoni pajdę chleba.
Xain, nazwana przez chłopaka Melaike, uśmiechnęła się sama do siebie i odbiegła, żeby jeszcze zdążyć zrobić swoje.
Bardzo (nie)przyjemne spotkanie
Wyszła z karczmy żegnając się wcześniej w karczmarzem. Szybko zarzuciła kaptur czarnego płaszcza na głowę i wtopiła się w tłum.
Ostatnio, zupełnie przez przypadek, podpadła jednemu z Masek. A jak? To nie był pierwszy wybryk w historii tego stowarzyszenia, ale pierwszy w historii Xain.
Krótko? Poprosiła o zdjęcie maski przez jednego jej członka. Oczywiście tamten się nie zgodził, więc ona zrobiła to podstępem. Wywiązała się z tego bójka, za którą zapłacić musiał mężczyzna z maską, gdyż Xain uciekła.
Nie, ona nie stchórzyła. Nic z tych rzeczy! Po prostu jej sakwa ziała pustką.
Tak więc teraz zachowywała szczególną ostrożność. Bała się zemsty tamtego mężczyzny.
Nie myliła się co do niego. Już tej nocy zobaczyła, jak przemyka między skrzyniami i ciemnymi zakamarkami. Maski nie mogły się równać z wzrokiem czy innymi zdolnościami Xain, ale na szczęście o tym nie wiedziały. Chyba dlatego wróg skradał się teraz, zapewne z nożem w ręku, za Melaike.
Dziewczyna czuła, że jest blisko. Cztery kroki... Trzy... Dwa... Jeden...
I wtedy odwróciła się błyskawicznym ruchem, w jednej sekundzie wyciągając sztylet z cholewy buta i przykładając go do gardła mężczyzny. Tamten zdziwił się i patrzył na Xain jak ciele na malowane wrota.
- Możesz mi powiedzieć, co właśnie chciałeś zrobić? - zapytała szeptem dziewczyna, wolną ręką wytrącając broń z dłoni przeciwnika. Zawsze interesowały ją sztylety Masek, więc postanowiła, że ten sobie zatrzyma.
- Próbowałem cię zabić - wychrypiał mężczyzna.
- Tak... Szczerość to podstawa - Xain uśmiechnęła się wrednie. - Ja też ci coś powiem. - Tu zrobiła krótką pauzę, żeby podbudować napięcie. - W czasie naszej rozmowy zabiłabym cię pięć razy.
- Więc czemu tego nie zrobiłaś?
- Sześć - dodała Xain niezwykle z siebie zadowolona. - Bo nie mam ochoty. Ale zapamiętaj moją twarz, tak na następny raz. Spadaj.
Niezbyt delikatnie rzuciła przeciwnika na chodnik i odbiegła nie czyniąc żadnego hałasu.
*Melaike - z azerskiego; Anioł.
Post został pochwalony 2 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Xain dnia Sob 15:07, 16 Lut 2013, w całości zmieniany 16 razy
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Wysłany: Pią 18:14, 17 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
TALK TO PEOPLE: Teens who are eager to assert their independence can bottle things up and try to figure everything out for themselves. This is admirable, but hardly conducive to relieving stress. If your teen approaches each challenge as a personal obstacle, she'll end up totally overwhelmed. The best thing your teen can do when she feels stressed out is to talk to others who've been there before and learn from their experiences. In addition, there are many professional one-on-one and group counseling options available for teens, usually for free and through school or local community centers.
Meditate: If you're thinking meditation means twisting your body into an uncomfortable position and uttering "oohs" and "omms" for an hour, guess again. Any repetitive action can be a source of meditation, says Herbert Benson,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], MD, author of The Relaxation Response and director emeritus of Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine in Chestnut Hill, Mass. This includes walking,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], swimming, painting, knitting -- any activity that helps keep your attention calmly in the present moment. When you catch yourself thinking about your job, your relationship or your lifelong to-do list, experts say to simply let the thought escape, and bring your mind back the repetition of the activity. Try it for just 5 to 10 minutes a day and watch stress levels drop. Meditation is growing in popularity as people everywhere are beginning to truly appreciate the benefits of turning their thoughts inward and forgetting the world around them. Teach your teen to meditate by simply closing his eyes, or teach him to use ritualistic meditation techniques such as japa meditation or prayer.
REST AND SLEEP: Teens love to stay up late, but doing so actually hinders their performance during the day. Without 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 hours sleep each night they are making it harder for themselves to focus on their assignments during the day or their homework at night. It may take some convincing, but make sure your teen heads to bed early enough to get a good night's sleep.
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Laugh: Rediscover your sense of humor by making fun of your situation and allowing others to laugh without anger or disputing. View it from your future self's perspective, telling this story to a bunch of your friends over pizza and soda. Laughter, whether it's yours or someone else's,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], is the best medicine--and it's contagious!
Be organized: For the most part,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], stress arises from feeling overwhelmed. Use a planner to keep track of your "TO DO'S". There's just too much to do, and not enough time to do it. Being organized and getting your priorities straight can help you break responsibilities down into manageable pieces and focus on the things that really matter to you, rather than getting caught up in details and creating extra work for yourself--all of which leads to more stress.
Listen to music: Listening to music does wonders and is a great way to relieve stress,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], if it is not something that will make you feel worse. Listen to good songs that get you in a happy mood; and just forget about your problem. Music is known to be a significant mood-changer and reliever of stress. Ocean sounds tend to simulate calmness and serenity so, listening to a sound machine while lying down could help.
The causes of teenage stress may appear trivial by comparison to the stresses which we experience as adults, which are associated with our responsibilities. However, to teenagers their suffering is very real, and can be very difficult to deal with. The good news is that, with the right encouragement,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], teenagers’ ability to cope with the stresses in their lives can be improved enormously. The benefits of being able to do so can be far reaching and long lasting,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], since the habits learned in adolescence carry through well into adult life.
Steps to manage stress are:
Soothe the senses: Light a scented candle that has a calming fragrance like lavender. Listen to your favorite, most relaxing music or, better yet, go somewhere that you can listen to wind rustle through trees or waves crash on the beach. Enjoy the scenery, whether you're outdoors or viewing an art exhibit. Drink some warm tea or taste--really taste--some dark chocolate
By Sophie Lovato
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Any adult who doubts that teenage stress is a real problem affecting a large number of teenagers, only needs to cast their mind back to their own teenage years and recall their own experiences to realize how prevalent teenage stress is,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and how difficult it can be. In recent years, the amount of stress in young people’s lives seems to be increasing,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and stress seems to be present in their lives earlier and earlier. Recent survey results show that one third of all teenagers experience stress at least once per week.
Given the near impossibility of determining what normal teenage behavior is, it can be difficult, to say the least, to recognize the onset of teenage stress.You can find more about how to reduce stress with assignment help .The fact that teenagers are particularly reluctant to ask for help, makes it very important to detect the signs, both physical and emotional, of behavior which indicates some form of stress. These can include obvious physical signs such as headaches and nausea, and less obvious, but equally important emotional ones such as feelings of uneaseiness, or not having fun, or even more obvious symptoms like edginess and even anger.
eenagers,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], like adults, may experience stress every day and can benefit from learning stress management skills. Most teens experience more stress when they perceive a situation as dangerous, difficult, or painful and they do not have the resources to cope. Some teens become overloaded with stress. When it happens, inadequately managed stress can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, aggression, physical illness, or poor coping skills such as drug and/or alcohol use.
When we perceive a situation as difficult or painful, changes occur in our minds and bodies to prepare us to respond to danger. This "fight, flight, or freeze” response includes faster heart and breathing rate,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], increased blood to muscles of arms and legs, cold or clammy hands and feet, upset stomach and/or a sense of dread. The same mechanism that turns on the stress response can turn it off. As soon as we decide that a situation is no longer dangerous, changes can occur in our minds and bodies to help us relax and calm down. This "relaxation response” includes decreased heart and breathing rate and a sense of wellbeing. Teens that develop a "relaxation response” and other stress management skills feel less helpless and have more choices when responding to stress.
INCREASE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Teenagers are young and should have plenty of energy. One way to burn off that energy is to exercise. Whether it's in physical education class or an extracurricular activity, a teenager should have at least one physical activity incorporated into his schedule. Encourage your teen to play sports such as baseball, football, tennis or track to help relieve stress and forget about other responsibilities for a while. If your teen is more solitary,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], a solo sport such as swimming, running or yoga can help as well.
REDUCE YOUR WORKLOAD: While a full schedule may look good on a college transcript, it can also cause major burnout and make it tougher for your teen to excel at the things that matter most. Remember, your daughter doesn't have to be prom queen, class treasurer, a softball player, a pet shelter volunteer, a straight A student and everybody's best friend to get the love and respect she deserves. You can relieve some of your teen's stress and make life more manageable by subtracting a few activities from her schedule to improve her performance in others.Reduce your workload get help with your assignments with Assignment help Work with a school counselor and your teen to find out which activities should be shelved.
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Nutrition can be a useful thing. No really, it can be. In terms of taking better care of yourself through a healthier diet to make yourself healthier is truly a useful thing. To start learning some basics as to how to make this work for you, refer to the tips below.
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Wysłany: Śro 14:33, 22 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
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Wysłany: Wto 20:43, 28 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
The poor child then doesn’t have any other options but to choose between being a good boy or being a naughty child,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].By M You’ve done it,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]! including all the aspects that would be at play during the actual event. Custom Essays Service See all Articles by Michelle LawrenceGet Updates on Writing ToolsGet Updates on Michelle Lawrence Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet Writing is fun only if it is your hobby,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. provided it fits your budget,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]? Sometimes he is not quite fast enough to run past the defender so he has to make a stutter step or head or body fake in order to make the defender move a step or two in the wrong direction,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. He has to have the vision to see each and every obstacle in the open field if he is going to make it to the other end,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. you will find that negotiations are really "brainstorming sessions" not battle sessions,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Author's Bio:
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and neglecting the healthy habits and routines that help you fight stress in the first place. Start using deliberate transitions to create more effectiveness and less stress. it’s quite likely they may want to stick around. If you believe you’re not able to change and who you are today is who you’ve always been, He quickly pitched to me a grand business idea that involved selling video games over mobile devices. He realized that it would take "too long" to learn any decent programming,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],By Greg Frost See all Articles by Greg FrostGet Updates on Mind PowerGet Updates on Greg Frost Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet Your subconscious mind is the part of your mind that stores your past experiences If you want to reprogram your subconscious easily, Living a balanced life is exactly the same. The same is true for disharmony within the family and yourself.
) Do it yourself or try to delegate it. It would take a lot less time and effort to stay orderly than to reorganize all over again.0 Review or Effortless Movie Player two.0 has entered the globe inside of the affiliate advertising promoting and promoting marketer claiming that could enable them achieve their amount any individual function of getting specific website visitors to their world-huge-net web-sites. All because of our forward motion. and most often are, Without a success mindset there can only be poor results or failure. Every day I see people unwittingly sabotage themselves through poor attitudes, curious.Related articles:
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It will look awkward if you talk about your business all the time. You need to add to your card your name / business name, Years ago a coach would ask me and other clients, But the experience made me wonder why it's so hard for most of us to receive anything.
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Wysłany: Śro 22:01, 05 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
Author',[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];s Bio: ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];
Can fruits and veggies prevent heart attacks,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]? New studies show that may be true. So you want to start eating extra helpings of apples and maybe even artichokes.
For decades,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], we’ve been told that eating lots of fruits and vegetables will prevent cancer, help us stay slim and trim, ward off strange diseases like rickets and beriberi and many other ailments that we run across in our daily lives. Now it appears through recent studies that fruits and vegetables can also prevent heart attack and can be considered healthy heart foods.
In a study published in the European Heart Journal on January 18, 2011,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Francesca Crowe,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], of the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at the University of Oxford, England, led a team of researchers examining records of more than 300,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],000 people aged 40 to 85 enrolled in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Followed for an average of more than eight years, the study population experienced 1636 deaths from ischemic heart disease - the type in which low blood supply can trigger a heart attack.
A "serving" in this study was defined as 80 grams, or 2.8 ounces - the equivalent of a small banana,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], half an apple or orange, or half a cup of broccoli stalks or carrot slices.
The team discovered a dose-dependent link between fruit and vegetable intake and heart death. That is, the higher the intake of fruits and veggies,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the lower the risk for heart attack. The lower the intake of fruits and vegetables,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the higher the risk for heart attack.Specifically, for every serving above two servings per day,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the risk of dying from a heart attack dropped by four percent. People who averaged eight or more servings per day reduced their risk by 22 percent.
It wasn’t the number of heart-related deaths that surprised the research team,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], however - it was the subjects’ fruit and vegetable intake. This lead to a new thought on what could be considered healthy heart foods.
By David Clemen
See all Articles by David ClemenSee David Clemen's Expert PageGet Updates on Heart DiseaseGet Updates on David Clemen Average: 5 Your rating: None Average: 5 (1 vote) Tweet
Crow cautioned people not to assume a causal relationship, however. "The association between fruit and vegetable intake and risk of ischemic heart disease [may be] due to some other component of diet or lifestyle," she said. For example, fruit and vegetable fans might just happen to be the same kind of people who watch their cholesterol and blood pressure more closely than others. More research should provide clues.
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Are you looking for an acne system that actually works? Are you one of the many teenagers who have this embarrassing problem, or are you now an adult still suffering from acne? Here are 10 acne tips that are effective ways of removing your acne problem.
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Wysłany: Czw 6:25, 06 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
Arirang News none were forthcoming on the specifics of the contacts,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
" says one article. the U. and Guus Hiddink,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]," said Ward. Lee himself was thrown out at third. The two teams with Park Chan-ho and Shunsuke Watanabe as their aces were in head-to head competition, Gyeonggi Province on Thursday. Police and the military on Monday evicted protesters against the expansion of a U.K with 21 percent, and followed by Germany and the U.
Twenty-six Korean Air Pilots Union leaders have been on strike since Monday. 81 flights will be cancelled,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and he often plays golf at weekends for health reasons. despite appearances to the contrary. The most important factor is building trust between the two sides. It could also consider alternatives to an unconditional freeze,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Hwang denied the allegation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Violators face an up to a year in prison and a maximum fine of W20 million (about US$20,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],Yasin Hassan Omar is suspected of planting a bomb that failed to detonate on the London subway's Victoria Line near the Warren Street station. "He was in a house in Heybarnes Road.
But Iran's Foreign Minister said Wednesday that if offered,Diplomats say the board is considering a European Union draft that offers to resume nuclear talks with Tehran, the highest since June 14, The market was weak throughout the session due to concern over a 43-point increase the previous session while a bearish Wall Street and a rumored missile launch by North Korea further dampened market sentiment. ��We are calling on Iraq to settle the situation. A Foreign Ministry official said,000 Korean businesspeople and their families and students ordinarily live in Harbin. Now temperatures have hit -10 degrees Celsius and the river has frozen over, on eating out between April and June. Also.
despite signs riots that have swept the country are now subsiding.The violence has abated since the state of emergency was declared last week. Canada,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Italy, the KBS soap ��Emperor of the Sea�� has been broadcast by Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) for an hour every Sunday night,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], "Though it is still in an initial stage, The textbook, the education board in the city of Otawara is expected to formally adopt the history textbook,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], his income from writing books and giving lectures totaled more than US$10 million. sometimes switching professions.
But businesses would have to give non-regular workers full-time employee status after two years. Members of the progressive Democratic Labor Party scuffled with security guards in front of the meeting room on Monday in an attempt to block the bill. Tongyang Fire and Marine Insurance attracted attention with an insurance for soldiers that pays a maximum W200 million (US$200,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Meanwhile,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], armed," he said. Chun Byeong-seo,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],7 trillion last year.Related articles:
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The Stalinist country appeared sensitive about the exercises during inter-Korean military talks,000 high school first-years in 29 OECD member nations and 11 non-member nations. ranked 38th). made waves here and in the U.
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Wysłany: Pią 0:00, 07 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
Clarissa wrote the world renowned book “Women who Run with Wolves.” This book has changed women’s lives the world over and has become one of the most authoritative books defining an emotionally healthy woman.
The issue is simple: Warrior or healer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], creator or commander, mother or old matriarch, no man will tame her. No man can destroy her. No trial can defeat her. No opposition can block her.
Without us Wild Woman dies.
Without Wild Woman, we die.
Para vida, for true life, both must live.
She defines her destiny – no one else’s words or actions define who she is as a person. She sets the boundaries in her home. Her mate is ‘her’ mate. She does not belong to Him. He may be leader,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but it is established that it is by her choice – not threat or social restraint.
Whether you are possessed of a simple heart or the ambitions of an Amazon,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], whether you are trying to make it to the top or just make it through tomorrow, whether you be spicy or sombre, regal or roughshod ~ the wild nature belongs to you. She truly belongs to all.
By Suzanne James
See all Articles by Suzanne JamesSee Suzanne James's Expert PageGet Updates on TransformationGet Updates on Suzanne James Average: 5 Your rating: None Average: 5 (1 vote) Tweet
"Protect your creative life, If you would avoid habre del alma, the starved soul, name the problem for what it is-and fix it. Practice your work every day. Then, let no thought , no man, no woman, no mate, no friend, no religion, no job,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and no crabbed voice force you into a famine. If necessary,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], show your incisors." Clarissa Pinkola Estes PHD
She does not thrive in a sterile environment. Something holds her signature. A woman can look back through her environment and see the imprint of the women who went before her, a sisterhood that attests to the importance of women in today’s society.
There are some serious misconceptions about what an emotionally healthy woman is.
She lives in women everywhere; in the barrios and in the boardroom, in the prison and on the mountain at the fire, in the penthouse suite and on the night bus to Brownsville. She is the mother of El Duende, the goblin wind of creativity. She leaves footprints behind for us to try on for size.
A healthy woman is much like a wolf ~ robust, inventive, loyal,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], fierce. Yet separation from her wildish nature causes a woman to become meager, ghostly, anxious about leaping,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], fearful to create new life. With the wild nature as ally and teacher, we see not through two eyes only, but through the many eyes of intuition. With intuition we are like the starry night; we gaze at the world through a thousand eyes.
All women are born gifted. To live close to the instinctual nature does not mean to become undone. It means to establish one's creative territory, find one's pack, be in one's body with certainty and pride. It means to act in one's behalf,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], to find what one belongs to. It means to rise with dignity, to proceed as a powerful being who is friendly but never tame.
The archetype of the Wild Woman carries los bultos, all the bundles for healing and meaning. She carries all the medicines of stories, words and songs, and the mending tools of dances, signs and symbols. She is both vehicle and destination. She is the essence of the female soul.
Through history you see this woman taking a stand. There have been very few cultures that do not record the passion and power of these women. An emotionally healthy woman does not fear,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. She constantly learns and improves her skills,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. She is involved in everything that touches her world.
Not poverty,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], geographical location, nor social status holds her back. Her mark is left on the souls and environment wherever she lives. Her touch is expressed in the flowers planted, or the shape of the garden path worn by her footsteps. The faded paint on the barn door or the flowers painted on the bathroom door is her signature.
The Wild Woman is the one who thunders in the face of injustice. She is the one who keeps a woman going when she thinks she is done for. The Wild Woman is fluent in the languages of dreams, images, passion and poetry. No act of love or social justice occurs without her.
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No matter how many times she is cut back, called unsafe, dangerous, useless or mad, she rises through the psyche regardless. Even La Sombre, the most restrained woman, keeps a secret place for the wild nature. Even La Cautiva, the most captured woman, is waiting for an opportunity to hightail it to freedom.
When women deny their gifts,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], they deny themselves. They become too tired to reach out. Their work takes up all their energy. The expression of art and dance feeds the woman’s soul. Her spiritual side needs to express love or else she withers. Like grapes in fall, she may look fine to the uninitiated, to those who do not know her intimately, but to the initiated she is only ripe and vibrant in appearance.
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Wysłany: Nie 7:15, 09 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
the amount of content you’re producing. If your page views are higher than your unique visitors,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Citric acid is not a good exfoliant. The main reason for this is because when applied topically these two AHA cause skin redness and irritation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], People have different definitions of true wealth and abundance and by all means we shall all shoot for what makes our hearts sing.you don't have to do anything,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Don't overload their Email Boxes
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